The Governance Committee is composed of Elected Officers (president, vice-president and treasurer and the immediate past-president), an appointed Secretary (a representative of the Secretariat), representatives from the ten founding member institutions, and the chairs of the standing committees.
President: William Newburry, Florida International University
Vice-President: Kiyohiko Ito, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Treasurer: Ana Bolino, University of Oklahoma
Immediate Past President:David Sprott, University of Wyoming
Secretariat: University of Missouri–St. Louis
Chair, Membership Committee: Kimberly Cahill, Villanova University
Chair, Program Committee: David Sprott, University of Wyoming
Chair, International Experiences Committee: Jonathon Wood, Brigham Young University
Chair, Marketing/Communications Committee: Joseph Rottman, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Chair, Strategic Partnerships Committee: Bertrand Guillotin, Temple University